Where is it taking place?
The host school for CEI 2025 Mexico in Mexico City is Instituto Escuela del Sur, where we are going to work with your presentations, your posters, workshops, conferences, discussions, the traditional Cultural Night and the Food and Fun Market.
We will also visit some of the thousands of touristic, cultural, historical, and environmental interesting places that Mexico City offers you to enjoy!
The Venue
All conference participants in CEI Mexico 2025 will be staying at the Hotel Real del Sur, which is in the southern part of Mexico City. The space will be available to us from Sunday, June 29th for registration, until breakfast on Saturday, July 5th, 2025.

The theme
Flavors and delicacies with sustainability
Having enough food for 8,100,000,000 people all over the world involves many activities that affect the environment. You can analyze it in a local or a global way, reviewing natural and technological ways of producing, transporting, processing, and eliminating garbage, and you should think about culture, tradition, and innovation.
What are you going to propose to improve this critical issue? It would be great if, as part of your research and presentation, you include some of the objectives of the 17 UNITED NATIONS GOALS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, because all of them are related to our Conference’s theme. https://sdgs.un.org/goals
We would like to receive in Mexico City students and teachers from different countries organized in teams of five students maximum. We also have the option for the teams to attend the conference online.
Each team should make an investigation and a proposal to solve problems related to the main subject: food and sustainability; during the conference, each team will participate in different activities:
- Poster presentation.
- 10 minutes PowerPoint presentation, with questions and answers after.
- Participation in debates.
- Attending conferences.
- Present a cultural performance about your country.
- Bring groceries or typical objects to share with other delegation during the Food and Fun Market.
Details about the characteristics of these requirements will be presented during the Pre-conference, shared in the News section, and we will send them to you by email when you register.

- Virtual participation FREE
- Students In Person participation in Mexico City: 500 euros (rooms for 4-5 persons)
- Teachers in Person participation in Mexico City: 500 euros (rooms for 4-5 persons)
Early Bird (Making registration before 7 March 2025): 480 euros.
Teachers in Person participation in Mexico City: 550 euros (rooms for 1-2 persons)
Early Bird (Making registration before 7 March 2025): 525 euros.
The registration fee includes accommodation for 6 nights (29th of June – 5th of July), all meals from 29th June dinner to 5th July breakfast, transportation to and from the venue and trips. You will be responsible for your own transportation to and from Mexico City, visas, and insurance.
We are working hard to close the detailed program and to complete the online conference program, but here we present a preliminary proposal:
During the organization of the conference, we will publish details through letters with instructions and guidelines until we meet on June 29, 2025.
If you are ready to participate in CEI 2025 Mexico, you can complete the registration form that appears in next link:
You will receive more news about CEI Conference by mail.
If you have participated in two or more CEI Conferences, you can participate in 2025 Conference as Alumni, helping with the organization and the development of the process. You can find more information in the next link.

F)Travelling in Mexico
Mexico is one of the ten most visited countries in the world because of its culture, its different climates, its food, its colors, and its people.
If you come to participate in CEI Mexico 2025 Conference, it would be a great idea to organize a trip to know Mexico City and some other regions.
During the Pre-Conference on March 1st, we will dedicate a section to talking about our country and the opportunities to travel. You can certainly find a travel agency in your country to organize an excursion, but if you want, we can recommend you one here in our city. Please feel free to get in contact with the travel agent Claudia Granado:
Claudia Granado,
Agency Cla-se En Proyectos Turísticos.
As part of the Conference, we plan to visit Teotihuacan, one of the most important places of the Ancient Cultures at the north of Mexico City.